My Approach

I believe that therapy gives us the opportunity to say what has felt unsayable and to sit with what has felt unbearable. I believe that healing happens in an environment of safety and my goal is to create with you that space for healing to unfold.  

My education oriented me not only to our actions and their consequences but to our fundamental human questions — what matters to you? Where and how do you find meaning in your life and how can you stay connected to the deeper rhythms of your life?

I believe that this is where the motivation to make the changes that we long for comes from. “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” — Neitzche. This forms the foundation of meaning-oriented therapy and is the ground on which my practice stands.

The willingness to let ourselves be vulnerable and be seen is one of the greatest strengths I’ve witnessed. It is a brave and resilient thing to seek out therapy and to commit to your own path of healing. My goal is to help you find maps and fuel for your journey of self discovery and beauty.

When working with children and families, I come from a needs-based approach. This means that I see kids’ difficult behaviors as a nonverbal expression of their needs. This doesn’t fit with the idea that children can be manipulative or malevolent, however it is a place where I believe better understanding and healing can take place. I believe our role as adults in the lives of children is to create the safety and stability to begin to understand where our children are coming from. Then, we can help them build the skills and strengths they will need to become engaged and inspired adults.

I believe that engaging in family therapy is incredibly courageous and powerful. Because family members are so tightly woven into each others’ lives, any positive changes we accomplish can have big impacts on all the family relationships. We need support in order to thrive and within the family system we can develop new dynamics of support and recognition that promote the wellbeing of each family member all at once.